Myth presentation

One of our assigned texts focuses on various “myths” about LGBTQ life and people – false ideas that are widely held, sometimes within LGBTQ communities as well as outside of them. Once in the semester, in a group of 2-3 people, you will present a brief explanation of one of these myths to the class.

Your presentation should be short: no more than five minutes. In your five minutes, answer the following questions:

What is this myth that many people believe?
Why is the “mythical” idea so popular?
What’s wrong with this idea?

You do NOT have to cover all the information contained in the reading – just select whatever evidence will help you get the point across in the limited time available.

Along with your verbal presentation, you should prepare one slide to make your point visually. Your slide can feature text and/or images but should not include sound or video.

The purpose of this presentation is to give you practice in discussing LGBTQ topics clearly and concisely, as well as to set the tone for our class discussions.

You can sign up for your myth presentation group on ELMS.