Daily reading responses

We will begin every class with a five-minute writing activity where you will be asked to respond to one or more questions about the readings for that day.

This takes the place of an attendance register and also has the following goals:
•  To check on whether you’re doing the reading, and reward you for reading carefully and thoughtfully
• To get you thinking about the day’s themes so that you will be ready to participate in class
• To let your professor and TAs know what people are taking away from the reading, so that we can make sure the class is meeting everyone’s needs.

Your score on the daily reading responses makes up 10% of your grade (100 points over the course of the semester).

If you miss class, you can get credit for the quiz by looking up the day’s question on the blog (where visuals are posted after class) and submitting your answer by email to the professor and TAs.